New Hampshire’s strong economy depends on its skilled workforce that keep companies competitive in domestic and global markets. The following programs offer opportunities for workers to earn while they learn, gaining valuable experience on the job.
Apprenticeship NH
The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH), through funding from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration and the American Association of Community Colleges, offers opportunities within the advanced manufacturing, automotive technology, biomedical technology, business/finance, construction/infrastructure, healthcare, hospitality and information technology sectors.
WorkNowNH is a free state program through the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security, available to individuals enrolled in Medicaid or receiving SNAP or TANF benefits. The program provides support and assistance to qualified individuals to become job ready and find sustainable employment.
WIOA Adult Program
The WIOA Adult Worker Program, through the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security, works with New Hampshire residents age 18 and older who meet income and eligibility requirements and need assistance attaining or retaining employment.
WIOA Dislocated Worker Program
The Dislocated Worker program, through the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security, assists unemployed job seekers with career and occupation searches, overcoming barriers to employment, and acquiring training to re-enter the workforce through basic or individualized career services.
New Hampshire Bureau of Adult Education
The Bureau of Adult Education supports educational services to adults who do not have the academic skills equivalent to a high school diploma or who do not read, write or speak English.
Formerly known as the NH Job Training Fund, funding is available to businesses located in New Hampshire or that intend to physically locate here. Check the website for the requirements, which include a minimum 1:1 cash match and a contract in place before training begins. Funding can be used for onsite laboratory or classroom training; technical skills; safety; management and supervision; English as a Second Language, and more.