WIOA Adult Worker Program:
The WIOA Adult Program helps individuals find sustainable jobs in high-demand industries. Training services are provided to help individuals enter the workforce and retain employment.
For more information, please contact Matt Russell at Southern New Hampshire Services (
WIOA Dislocated Worker Program:
The Dislocated Worker program helps individuals who have suffered a job loss due to mass layoffs, global trade dynamics, or transitions in the economy, overcome the barriers to employment and re-enter the workforce as quickly as possible.
For more information, contact Nick Masi at 603-228-4112 or
Services for the WIOA Adult Worker and WIOA Dislocated Worker Program include:
Free Services for the WIOA Adult Worker and WIOA Dislocated Worker Program.
Occupational Skills Training through a catalogue of over 800 classroom-based trainings that can lead to industry recognized credentials.
On-the-Job Training to create the opportunity to be hired by an employer with hands-on training, allowing the employee to “earn while they learn.” Registered apprenticeships or pre-apprenticeship trainings are also offered.
Support Services for additional assistance to help eliminate or lessen barriers that prevent participation in a full-time training program.
Vocational Assessments to help identify skills, interests, abilities, and potential barriers to employment.
Job-Market Outlook on the local labor market and in-demand occupations within New Hampshire.
Career Path and Employment Plan Development to be used as a guide.
Educational Services and Skills Advancement in areas such as ESOL, HiSet preparation, basic reading, math, and computer literacy.
Job Search and Readiness Activities including development of interviewing skills and resume writing.
These programs are supported by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor as part of awards for PY20 totaling $5,859,564.00 with 0% from non-governmental sources.