Capital Improvements Program / Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive (RSA 79-E) / Design / Environment / Excavation / Master Planning / Livable Walkable Communities / Signs / Smart Growth
Capital Improvements Program
- RSA 674:5 Authorization
- RSA 674:6 Purpose and Description
- RSA 674:7 Preparation
- RSA 674:8 Consideration by Mayor and Budget Committee
- A Capital Improvements Plan is Not Just a Wish List, New Hampshire Town and City, September/October, 2016
The preparation and adoption of a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is an important part of a municipality’s financial planning and budgeting process. The purpose of the plan is to recognize and resolve deficiencies in existing public facilities and anticipate and meet future demand for capital facilities and the replacement of vehicles and equipment. A plan typically includes all of the anticipated capital expenditures of a town/city, library and school district for the next six year period.
- Financing Capital Projects, New Hampshire Town and City, September/October, 2016
In general, financing should be considered as part of the initial development process of a capital project. Below is a step-by-step process for determining and obtaining the right financing for your project. Of course, a bond counsel attorney should also be hired to review the warrant article for the authorization of bonds and to review the steps required by statute for this process.
- Orford Takes Stock of Community Facility and Infrastructure Needs - New Hampshire Town and City, September/October 2015, by Nathan Miller and Terry Martin
- The Best Planning Tool You Aren't Using: Capital Improvements Plans, New Hampshire Town and City, September/October 2014, By C. Christine Fillmore
- See the results of the Municipal Land Use Regulation Annual Survey for municipalities with a Capital Improvements Program.
Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive (RSA 79-E)
Context Sensitive Design
Design Review
Infill Development
Low Impact Development (LID)
Outdoor Lighting
Soil Mapping/Lot Sizing
Environmental Assistance and Permitting
Erosion & Sediment Control and Steep Slope Protection
Invasive Plant Species
Nonpoint Source Pollution
Town Forests
- RSA 31:112 Town forests may be established by action of the local legislative body pursuant to RSA 31:110.
- RSA 31:113 Revenue from the town forest goes to a special forest maintenance fund, which shall be non-lapsing (unless the local legislative body decides otherwise.)
Wastewater Engineering/Septic Systems
Master Planning
Livable Walkable Communities
- Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs: Sign Ordinances and the First Amendment, Benjamin D. Frost, Esq., AICP New Hampshire Planners Association & Stephen C. Buckley, Legal Services Counsel New Hampshire Municipal Association, November 4, 2015
- The First Amendment and Your Town's Sign Regulations - Addressing Reed v. Town of Gilbert Step-by-Step - handout from the 2016 NHMA Law Lecture, Developments in the Law: Accessory Dwelling Units, Agritourism, and Signs (Provided with expressed permission.)
- Supreme Court reaffirms broad prohibition on content-based speech restrictions, in their September 28, 2015 decision, Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ.
- United States Sign Council Foundation
Smart Growth
- RSA 9-A State Development Plan
- RSA 9-B State Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Policy
- Smart Growth Report (2016)
Principal among CORD's duties is the implementation of the state's smart growth policy, as embodied in RSA 9-B. CORD is responsible for encouraging smart growth consistency in the distribution of state agency funds to local and regional entities, the capital budget requests of state agencies, state agency facility location planning, and building operation and maintenance plans. Every four years, CORD is required to report to the Legislature on its findings on the consistency of state agency actions with the smart growth principles.
- The Smart Growth Network (SGN)
A partnership of government, business and civic organizations that support smart growth. Since its creation in late 1996, the Network has become a storehouse of knowledge about smart growth principles, facilitating the sharing of best practices and acting as a catalyst for implementation of ideas.
- Getting to Smart Growth and Getting to Smart Growth II , by ICMA and the Smart Growth Network
New England Resources