A list of planning and zoning publications that provide guidance on various planning, zoning, and land use topics.
Planning and Zoning Handbooks by NH OPD
Other Planning Publications by NH OPD
Statewide Planning Publications by Other Organizations
- Best Management Practices Manual: Utility Maintenance in and Adjacent to Wetland and Waterbodies in New Hampshire (NH DNCR, 2019)
- Buffers for Wetlands and Surface Waters - A Guidebook for New Hampshire Municipalities (NH Audubon, 1997)
- Granite State Future (Regional Planning Commissions, 2015)
- Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques Handbook (NH DES, 2008)
- Local Regulation of Agriculture Toolkit (NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food, 2017)
- NH Priority Climate Action Plan (NH DES, 2024)
- NH DOT 2025-2034 Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan (NH DOT, 2024)
- NH 2021-2025 Five-Year Historic Preservation Plan (NH DHR, 2021)
- NH Wildlife Action Plan (NH F&G, 2015)
- Preparing NH for Projected Storm Surge, Sea-Level Rise, and Extreme Precipitation (NH Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission, 2016)
- Regional Planning Commission Regional Plans (NH RPCs, 2015)
- NH Hazard Mitigation Plan (NH HSEM, 2023)
- NH Forest Action Plan (NH Forests & Lands, 2020)
- Statewide Housing Needs Assessment (NH Housing, 2023)
- Regional Planning Commission Regional Housing Needs Assessments (NH RPCs, 2023)