The FEMA floodplain maps for New Hampshire communities can be viewed at the following locations.
FEMA Map Service Center
FEMA Map Service Center (MSC) is the official online public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the NFIP. The MSC web site can be used to find current, historic, preliminary (draft), and pending (future) FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) as well as the current Flood Insurance Studies (FIS), which can be viewed, downloaded, or printed. Also available are the
GIS data and web services,
Letters of Map Change, and
Non-Regulatory Flood Risk Products.
The NH Flood Hazards Viewer
Floodplain mapping for all NH communities except those in Belknap County* can also be viewed online using the
NH Flood Hazards Viewer developed by OPD. The viewer allows a user to view and compare the latest effective and preliminary FEMA flood hazard information and overlay parcel boundaries for most areas of the state. Coastal flood risk projections developed as part of the
2019 NH Coastal Flood Risk Summary are also available in the viewer.
*To view Belknap County community floodplain maps, please go to the
FEMA Map Service Center.
Current NH Floodplain Mapping Activities
Current NH Floodplain Mapping Activities web page includes information about FEMA's current floodplain mapping activities in New Hampshire.
Need help finding a map?
If you have questions about how to access any of FEMA’s mapping products, please
contact us and we can help you find a map or report for your community.