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BEAD Challenge Process

Welcome to the BEAD Challenge Process landing page. Here, you will find the resources needed for the BEAD Challenge Process and links to access the BEAD Challenge Portal.

What is the BEAD Challenge Process?
The goal of the BEAD Challenge Process is to ensure the most accurate list of locations possible is used for BEAD funding allocation. New Hampshire has partnered with to facilitate the BEAD Challenge Process through its Challenge Process Coordinator (portal). The State has accepted the NTIA Model Challenge Process with a DSL modification. DSL will not be considered reliable broadband internet for the purposes of BEAD.

New Hampshire’s BEAD Challenge Process is outlined in complete detail in its Initial Proposal Volume I.

Who are permissible challengers?
The only entities that are permitted to submit challenges are Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Units of Local or Tribal Governments, and non-profit organizations.

Challenge Process Timeline
Challenge Phase – July 15, 2024 – August 14, 2024
Adjudication – August 15, 2024 – August 29, 2024
Rebuttal Phase – August 30, 2024 – September 29, 2024
Final Determinations – September 30, 2024 – October 30, 2024

The Rebuttal Phase has been completed and the State is currently in the Final Determination Phase. The New Hampshire Office of Broadband Initiatives team will review the evidence for each challenge, including the evidence from any rebuttals, and will make a final determination to “sustain” or “reject” each challenge. The reviewers will fully review all the information included in each challenge and rebuttal prior to making any final determinations.

Below is a list of all submitted challenges pre-decision. 
What version of the FCC Broadband Map is being used?
Version 4 of the FCC Fabric will be used for the BEAD Challenge Process. BDC data has been pulled as of May 28, 2024 (data through December 31, 2023).

CostQuest License Links
We encourage all participants to obtain a free CostQuest License to have access to the FCC Fabric.

Internet Service Providers and Tribal Governments
NTIA Tier D License Request (

Units of Local Government and Non-Profits
NTIA Tier E License Request (

Challenge Process Resource Guide
Resident Public Comment Resource Guide
Preliminary Underserved Locations
Preliminary Unserved Locations
Preliminary Served Locations
Preliminary Community Anchor Institutions