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Community Information and Initiatives

Information about a community's floodplain regulations, floodplain permitting process, initiatives that a community can adopt to better promote floodplain management and to earn points through the Community Rating System.

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Floodplain Regulations and Permitting

Communities that participate in the NFIP have agreed to adopt local floodplain regulations and enforce those regulations through a local permitting process. In return, flood insurance through the NFIP is made available for purchase to all residents and businesses in the community. Effective implementation of local floodplain management regulations is critical for the safety of your residents and will help minimize future flood damage. Also, buildings that are not constructed in full compliance with local floodplain regulations will be more expensive for property owners to insure.

The following resources can help your community develop an effective floodplain management program that fully meets NFIP requirements:

Going Beyond the Minimum NFIP Regulations

Communities are strongly encouraged to adopt more stringent floodplain regulations that go beyond the minimum NFIP regulations. Adopting such standards can improve a community’s resiliency to future floods by reducing potential: loss of human life; property and environmental damage; displacement of residents; disruption of businesses; and the burden on community infrastructure, services and staff. Learn more on the Regulations page.

Floodplain Maps and Studies

How to determine the flood risk for a property or structure:

Community Initiatives:

Education and Training: