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State Data Center (Census Data)

The Office of Planning and Development and the US Bureau of the Census jointly support the State Data Center to provide the public with access to census data and customized data products such as OPD's annual population estimates.

The mission of the State Data Center (SDC) is: "To provide the citizens of each State with convenient access to statistical information from the US Bureau of the Census for planning research, decision making and administration in government, education, business and other areas of life and work."

Established in 1978, the State Data Center is a cooperative program between the states and the US Census Bureau. Its intended purpose is to make census information available locally to the public through a network of State agencies, universities, libraries and regional/local governments. The Office of State Planning (now Office of Energy & Planning) was established on February 1, 1982 as the lead agency for New Hampshire's program and has remained so for the last 20+ years.

The SDC is New Hampshire's official source for population statistics. It is also the state's representative to the Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates (FSCPE) and Population Projections (FSCPP).

The SDC assists government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations, schools and individuals, answering more than 1,700 requests for information per year.

Also see the State Data Center Program page at the US Census Bureau.

New Hampshire State Data Center Affiliates
The Affiliate Program is an extension of the NH State Data Center providing localized assistance and services to data users. Feel free to contact the affiliate nearest you.
This site provides direct access to numerous files that contain data about New Hampshire. Usually these files have been modified by OPD to maximize their efficient use. Most of the data are from the Bureau of the Census, but several other sources are included as well. This site provides links to the Census Bureau, other federal agencies and other State agencies. The site also provides references to printed reports currently available only by request from the Data Center.

The population of New Hampshire in 2020 was 1,377,529 according to the US Census Bureau.


Links to other organizations producing population and economic data for New Hampshire.

Contact Us

Ken Gallager
NH Office Planning and Development
100 North Main St
Concord, NH 03301
Voice: (603) 271-1773